What are you TRULY capable of?

Do you remember yourself as a child? Letā€™s say around 8 or 9 years old. That part of you had BIG DREAMS. She didnā€™t know what impossible meant. She believed in possibilities and in the world.

Do you even remember her? Do you still feel her inside you? I bet you do, because she is still there.Ā Your WISE inner child believed she was capable of anything and she was right. You always have been capable and you always will be.


So, what do you believe you are capable of now? If you find yourself hesitating when you try to answer this question, then there are thoughts in your head that are limiting your belief in yourself.

It’s important as you move forward to identify these thoughts or beliefs and know that you are not your thoughts. YOU ARE THE CREATOR of your own reality and you can create anything you want.

I challenge you to think about what you believe and change your limiting beliefs into empowering ones.Ā You ARE able to BE SO MUCH MORE than you give yourself credit for. Your heart knows this truth. Your heart remembers that wise little girl with BIG DREAMS and itā€™s time to let her out again.


Here’s an exercise to help you connect to your heart and to your wise inner child.
For this exercise, you will need a piece of paper and a pen.

  • Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and place a hand on your heart.
  • Connect to the warm energy in your heart and breathe, bringing unconditional awareness to any fears or doubts about believing in yourself.
  • Visualize yourself as a child. See her standing in front of you with all her innocence, hope, and purity.
  • Ask her what she believes she is capable of! Ask her what her BIGGEST dreams are.
  • Write down whatever comes to mind, no matter how crazy or impossible it may seem.
  • Challenge yourself to believe that you are capable and fully supported to experience anything from your list.
  • Start taking action steps towards making your BIG DREAMS happen: Sign up for that class, start writing that book, quit your unhealthy job… whatever it is, just take the first stepā€¦then the next, until you achieve the best experience.

The little child inside of you is depending on you to make her dreams come true. She wants to feel your continued support and courage. So, what bigger experiences do you believe you are capable of?


I believe in myself and my power.
I am capable of anything I set my mind to.
I am brave and courageous.
I am determined and passionate.
I am strong and empowered.
I am divinely supported to succeed.
I am already a success and rich.
I open to more amazingness in my life.

šŸ’—Ā What are your BIG DREAMS? Speak them into motion, share them, keep believing, and donā€™t give up!