Take a deep breath and tune in for a hopeful message of the Divine:

Your spirit squad is by your side; here’s how to receive their guidance

Do you think that there is more to this physical life than meets the eye? Have you ever felt like there is a comforting presence around you, or maybe felt a warm breeze of peace and serenity when you heard a song, saw a white feather dancing in the wind, noticed the beauty in one little scene in the day? A moment that you felt only you were aware of at that specific time and place?

We live in a difficult era, challenging times, surrounded by stress and fear, not knowing what awaits ahead. We also live in times of significant shifts. This is a time of massive support for the whole of humanity to rise in vibration, in the frequency of love, light, and unity. It is limitless, unconditional love for each human on this planet. Yogis and gurus inhaling the expansion while doing their morning yoga routines and exhaling pain, grief, sorrow, abandonment, guilt, competition, feeling of not being enough on behalf of us all. Beautiful souls are praying for world peace and health at this very second. We are all collectively comforted and loved.

We are supported by universal laws, but also by angels and spirit guides. No matter who you are, where you’re from, what you believe in, or what kind of life you’re living, angels and spirit guides, your own loyal spiritual guidance squad, a team of confidants assigned to you are there to support you. To comfort you, show you the way you need to go, even if you still don’t know or remember it yet. Remember, angels are nondenominational, and they support people of all faiths and spiritual beliefs.


This text is a reminder that we are not alone. You are not alone. You are loved, looked over constantly, supported, and you can always tune in and listen to the guidance.

But, to be able to see, hear, or feel their hopeful messages, you need to be able to receive their wisdom. For you to do that, you need to accept one “rule.” Now, more than ever, it is crucial to put a lot of attention and focus on raising our vibration, individual and collective. It’s the time to be in your heart and soul each day. Think about what food you bring to the table of your mind. Be aware of your thoughts. This way, your intuition will enhance, and you’ll simply feel when you’re being led by the divine light.

We already carry this wisdom and knowing within our hearts. Now we are simply tuning into the frequency to hear, feel, and see clearer.

Once you connect with your team of angels and spirit guides, you will experience a comforting, empowering, and loving space of support and unconditional love and light following you on your endeavors.

In western spiritualism, a spirit guide is an entity that remains as a disincarnate spirit to act as a guide or protector to a living incarnated human being. I traditional African belief systems, it is believed that there are eternal spirits of the ancestors that can include deceased parents, grandparents, uncles, etc. (Mokgobi, M. Understanding traditional African healing).

Some spirit guides live as energy, light beings, or spirits that have lived many former lifetimes, paid all their karmic debts, and are now there to assist human beings who need assistance.

Will Stillman, an award-winning author of Autism and the God Connection, wrote in an article on Huffington Post that we all have at least one spirit guide, a formerly human soul assigned to be our earthly guide. To help us, inspire us, support us in heavy times, comfort us, help us in the decision making process and our creative endeavors.

Intuitives worldwide agree in opinions about our angelic spirit team, saying that there are different types of spirit guides – archangels, guardian angels. Ascended masters (like Buddha or Mother Mary), departed loved ones, angels that appear only once, when you need help with specific situations, and even spirit animals.

Guardian angels are exclusively yours and are devoted to helping and assisting you. They love you unconditionally.

How can you know that your angels and spirit guides walk with you on your path, every day and forever? You need to pay attention, and you’ll see that support is constant even if you pull away. Your angels send you sings, dreams, music, and other signs to assist. It’s essential to raise your vibration with positive energy, happy thoughts, to eat healthily, drink clean water, spend time in nature, and be kind. Those are the things and actions that will keep you in alignment with higher vibrational messages from angels and spirit guides.

Take a deep, conscious breath, clear your mind, inhale the light, and exhale all worry, pain, fear, and negative thoughts that lower your vibe and block communication. Raise your vibrations to hope and gratitude instead of stress, and anxiety, set your intention to connect to your guidance squad, and just ask. Practice, and you’ll be overwhelmed with calmness and aim for the path you need to go.

How do spirit guides communicate with us?

Your team of guardian angels and spirit guides often give you signs that they are right by your side, and not only that, they offer their wisdom and guidance, offering you a hand in your creative processes. Those signs are also called synchronicities, which philosopher Carl Jung defined as ‘a meaningful coincidence’.

For example, you had a fight with your mother about something, and the next day in a bookstore window, you see a book about communication with parents and dealing with potential childhood trauma. That could be a sign by your spirit guide, telling you to maybe reconsider the way you and your mother communicate.

Maybe you’ll see your lucky number, hear a favorite song when you get in the car after an awful day at work. Spirit guides will often hand you a dream that could give you an idea or inspiration on dealing with a problem or handle a challenging situation or relationship. Some people say that they actually had guides appear to them in a dream.

Spirit guides will give you opportunities in places, people, and projects. But although they send helpful information, you will still need to take action (taking your time, meditating, releasing, going to a seminar, workshop, a therapy…)

I have even better news. You can actually communicate with your spirit guides, connect to their wisdom and guidance, and be able to recognize the signs they send. Incredible synchronicities that, once you start to be aware of, give you limitless opportunities to better yourself, take in the light, unconditional love and support, heal yourself, and then share it, giving it back to the world. You are so important, and the world needs you. It needs every one of us to be aware of this divine connection so we can tune in and be a part of a significant shift.

These are the ways you can start to communicate with your spirit guides and angels:

• More presence in your everyday life

Often messages get lost because we’re live busy lives and keep busy minds. Take some time to quiet your mind, find a meditation practice that works for you, or take some time in your day to just breathe and clear your mind.

• Stay on the lookout for signs and synchronicities

The more you search, the more you’ll find. Also, your guides will send more messages when they know you’re listening. Try to remember every morning when you’re getting up that your guides are there with you, every step of the way. If you need to make a major decision or go through some challenging phase, ask for guidance, and help navigate.

• Start a journal

Take a notebook where you’ll write about all the signs you’ve gotten. You can also write your guides a letter to express your gratitude and ask them for guidance on a specific issue.

• Let them take the load off

Sometimes we get frustrated if things don’t go our way. When we can’t find a solution to a specific problem. Surrender it to your spirit team, take a breath and chill, take a break. More often than not, people get insights and inspiration. Instead of stressing out and worrying, quiet your mind for a little bit. That can do wonders.

• Raise your intuition

There are 4 main intuitive pathways that you can develop. You can hear gentle voices in your mind (clairaudience), see guidance as images in your mind (clairvoyance), as breakthrough thoughts (claircognizance), or feel it as energy, emotions, and physical sensations (clairsentience).

Develop your daily, weekly, or monthly spiritual practices and try to stick with them, or send messages to your guides in your thoughts.

If you feel disconnected, don’t spend too much time worrying. Your spirit guides and angels are always with you, even when you forget it for a while. They will still work on your behalf behind the scenes, whether you can feel them at the moment or not. People tend to feel disconnected during the most challenging times, but those are also times when our spirit squad works the hardest to helps us thrive.

• Send a message

You can try with a simple message like: “Dear angels and spirit guides. I thank you for all the times you stood by my side and helped me. Thank you for all the signs you already gave me. I’m ready to know you and receive your guidance.”

Keep the processes mentioned above going, and you will be in awe at what you get – a best friend, an ally, a confidant, a real touch of the Divine. 💜


Photo ©️ by Julia Kadel on Unsplash

©️ Photo by Ludovica Dri@wanderluly

Photo ©️ by Leonie Krickhuhn on Unsplash
Photo ©️by Evie S. on Unsplash